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Chapter Guides

Chapter 1.   “Who am I”

There are words from Sophie’s life path in this chapter.   Can you find some of these words in her path to the future on the cover?

What are some words that describe you?

Could these words be in your life’s path?

Are there any words that could be added or any that should be erased?

How did you become who you are today?


Chapter 2.  “A  Near Disaster”

Bad things and good things happened to Sophie.

Are there things that make your afraid?

Did bad things happen to you that you did not cause?

Did good things happen that you did not cause?

Did bad things happen that you caused?

Did good things happen that you caused?


Chapter 3.   “A Little Horse that Couldn’t”

Life in her new home did not turn out well.   The home was not the problem.  She was.  She was annoying, uncooperative, even angry at times.   Is there a word on her life path about her attitude?

Are there words on your life path that describe your attribute toward others?

Are they words that help you?

Are they words that hurt?

Are there words that should not be on your life path?

Are there word that should be on your life path?



Chapter 4.  “A New Chance Again”   

Sophie had another opportunity to get things right.  Did she learn from her mistakes?

Is there a mistake you may have made? 

How have you learned from your mistakes?

Does starting in new location, new school,  frighten you?

Do you like to begin again?


Chapter 5. “My Life at a new Home”  

 Sophie ‘s  chance for a new beginning was nearly  ended  because she couldn’t  control her  impulses.

That caused her problems.

Do your sometimes follow your impulses at the wrong time?

Have you done something you later came to regret?

Do you sometime fail to wait for the right time?

Do you ever act before thinking of what might happen?



Chapter  6.  “In a Parade” 

This day was a good day for Sophie.  She showed all that she could be trusted.

What makes a day  good  for you?

What makes you happy?

Do you have an example of a happy time?

Do you show you can be trusted?



Chapter 7.  “Escaping for Carrots” 

Sophie found out that there are few actions that remain secrets.  Her miss behavior was reported.

Have you ever been reported for doing something you should not have done?

When somebody reports on you what is your reaction?

Have you reported someone’s actions that seemed wrong to you?

Is reporting something you notice that is not right the right thing to do?



Chapter 8.  “ A New Job and a New Beginning”

Sophie found that new friends can bring trouble.

Have friends ever caused you a problem?

How do you avoid friends that may cause trouble?

What do you do if a friend makes for difficulty?

Have you made a problem for a friend?


Chapter 9.  “Another Failure”

 At least three things went wrong at once for Sophie and that led to disaster.

Does it sometimes seem like failure is waiting for you?

Does it seem like sometimes you can’t avoid failure?

Do you fear failing?

How do you react to failure?



Chapter 10.  “Finding My Gift”

Sophie found a way she could be special.   Her gift was trotting fast.

Does everyone have a special ability to discover?

Do you have a special ability?

How did you find your gift?

If you have not yet found your gift or gifts what might help you discover it?


Chapter 11.  “Another New Beginning”

Sophie worked to perfect her gift.

Does a special ability happen without effort?

Can you find joy in using your gift?

Sophie kept improving by practice do you?


Chapter 12.  “Another Mistake”

Sophie thought she was helping when really she was making a poor choice.

How can poor choices make for bad outcomes?

Have you ever made a wrong choice?

Is thinking you are helping sometimes a poor choice?


Chapter 13.  “Forgiven”

How can forgiveness make the future better?

Have you been forgiven for bad decisions?

Do you forgive others for their poor choices?


Chapter 14.   “ Our First Driving Event”

A song helped Sophie calm down, and do her best.

How does music help?

Does music help you when you are anxious or troubled?

What type of music is our choice?

What song is a favorite?


Chapter 15. “Our First Blue Ribbon”

It took a  lot of experience at home before Sophie’s first success.

Do you see the phrase “Persistence Pays”on Sophie’s life path?

Why is it in large letters just before where she is headed?

How does persistence pay?

Was it easy for Sophie to achieve her success?

How would you like to succeed?


Chapter 16.  “Being Distracted”

Sophie came in second because she was distracted by noise.

Have you been distracted by others?

How can listening to the wrong voices interfere with your goals?

What are some wrong voices?

Name a good voice.



Chapter 17:  “Going Off Course”

How does taking the wrong path hurt you and others?

How can you avoid the wrong path?

Have you every chosen the wrong way to go?

Have you gotten lost going the wrong direction?


Chapter 18.  “A New Challenge”

Can trying something new lead to fear?

Has that happened to you?

How do you overcome fear?


Chapter 19.  “On to Cones”

Sophie achieved success by doing what she did best, cones racing.

Does concentrating on your skill help toward success?

When you have not practiced what is the likely result?

Chapter 20   “On to Sleighing”

Sophie added to her experiences by trying a new skill.

How does increasing your skills improve your future?

How can you add to your skills?

What skills may you need to improve?



Chapter 21.    “Conclusion”

Sophie kept moving forward on her life path, overcoming fear and In spite of failures kept improving her skills.

What challenges face you on your life’s journey toward the better?

What improvements can you make to overcome those challenges?

How does Sophie help you move forward with confidence?

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