Sophie’s book at a family homeless shelter Christmas Party.
Today was the Christmas Party at a family homeless shelter. We were there as volunteers. Santa was present, as well as tables of games and others filled with presents for the guests to chose.
One table was the book table. I had brought in two of Sophie’s Pony Tales books. I asked the distributors at the table to direct toward them a eight to ten year old who could read.
Toward the end of the two and a half hour party, during the cookies, fruit and juice time, a child I took to be about eight approached me saying, “they told me you wrote this book, will you please sign it for me”. I replied “certainly, I will also put Merry Christmas in it. I hope you like it.” She replied, “I do very much, I already read the first chapter. I am going to read a chapter a day”.
This comment by child living in a shabby motel room with her family for Christmas, mean’t more to me than any five star review.